

 Sand is a granular material composed of finely divided rock and mineral particles. It is defined by size, being finer than gravel and coarser than silt.  Sand can also refer to a textural class of soil or soil type, a soil containing more than 85 percent sand-sized particles by mass.   noun sand plural noun sands a loose granular substance, typically pale yellowish brown, resulting from the erosion of siliceous  and other rocks and forming a major constituent of beaches, riverbeds, the seabed, and deserts.   The composition of sand varies, depending on the local rock sources and conditions, but the most common constituent of sand in inland  continental settings and non-tropical coastal settings is silica (silicon dioxide, or SiO2), usually in the form of quartz.  The second most common type of sand is calcium carbonate, for example, aragonite, which has mostly been created, over the past half billion years,  by various forms of life, like coral a...


 Social science is the branch of science devoted to the study of societies and the relationships among individuals within those societies.  The term was formerly used to refer to the field of sociology, the original "science of society", established in the 19th century. The major social sciences are Anthropology, Archaeology, Economics, Geography, History, Law, Linguistics, Politics, Psychology and Sociology. Social science, any branch of academic study or science that deals with human behaviour in its social and cultural aspects.  Usually included within the social sciences are cultural (or social) anthropology, sociology, psychology, political science, and economics. Which course is the best in social science?     PhD in Political Science.     Masters Degree in Finance.     Masters Degree in Economics.     Masters Degree in International Relations.     Masters Degree in Organizational Psychology....


 Physical science is a branch of natural science that studies non-living systems, in contrast to life science. It in turn has many branches, each referred to as a  "physical science", together called the "physical sciences" Physical science is ordinarily thought of as consisting of four broad areas: astronomy, physics, chemistry, and the Earth sciences. Physical science uses techniques of experimentation and scientific method to study and measure various physical effects.  It emphasizes the importance of learning scientific method to make studies and draw conclusions about matter, energy and their interactions. What is the importance of physical science to society? Physics improves our quality of life by providing the basic understanding necessary for developing new instrumentation and techniques for  medical applications, such as computer tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, positron emission tomography, ultrasonic imaging, and laser surgery. Major: Physical Sci...


 Biology is the natural science that studies life and living organisms, including their physical structure, chemical processes, molecular interactions,  physiological mechanisms, development and evolution. Despite the complexity of the science, certain unifying concepts consolidate it into a single, coherent field.   Jobs for biological sciences majors   What can you do with a major in biology? Marquette's biology graduates have found success and leadership roles in:     Academic and hospital research     Biotechnology     Dentistry     Ecology     Environmental science     Food industries     Forensic science     Government agencies (FBI, FDA, DNR, NASA, USDA)     Graduate school     Law     Medicine     Nursing     Pharmaceuticals     Physical therapy     Physician assistant     Public health     S...


 Mathematical logic is a subfield of mathematics exploring the applications of formal logic to mathematics. It bears close connections to metamathematics,  the foundations of mathematics, and theoretical computer science. Logic and mathematics are two sister-disciplines, because logic is this very general theory of inference and reasoning, and inference and reasoning play  a very big role in mathematics, because as mathematicians what we do is we prove theorems, and to do this we need to use logical principles and logical inferences. Mathematics is the study of topics such as quantity (numbers), structure, space, and change. ... The field of logic ranges from core topics such as the study of  fallacies and paradoxes, to a specialized analysis of reasoning using probability and to arguments involving causality. What is mathematical logic used for? Mathematical logic was devised to formalize precise facts and correct reasoning. Its founders, Leibniz, Boole and Frege, h...


 sci·ence sīəns science noun     the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behaviour of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment.     "the world of science and technology" area of study field         a particular area of science.         plural noun: sciences         "veterinary science"         a systematically organized body of knowledge on a particular subject.         "the science of criminology"         archaic         knowledge of any kind.         "his rare science and his practical skill"   Science is defined as the observation, identification, description, experimental investigation, and theoretical explanation of natural phenomena.   The four major branches of science are, Mathematics and logic, biological sc...


 Nomology is concerned with the thinking process of the mind. The Oxford English Dictionary defines nomology as the 'branch of science and philosophy concerned with the laws or principles governing the operation of the mind, especially as defined by custom or culture'.   The name nomology may come from Aristotle (Aristotle, 1995). He catalogued his purchases under six main classes: Theology, " Nomology ", Philosophy, History, Philology, and Liberal and Mechanic Arts.