

is the study of the measurement of time. Clocks, watches, clockwork, sundials, hourglasses, clepsydras, timers, time recorders, marine chronometers, and atomic clocks are all examples of instruments used to measure time.


On average, the amount a horologist makes is on par with the average working American. That sounds great until you realize the average working American doesn't make a whole lot. At around $40,000, horologists aren't exactly living the high life, but it's a manageable income.


a person who makes clocks or watches.


Full-Time Watchmaking Schools


    Gem City College School of Horology (Quincy, Illinois)

    Lititz Watch Technicum (Lititz, Pennsylvania)

    Nicolas G.

    North American Institute of Swiss Watchmaking (Dallas, Texas)

    North Seattle College Watch Technology Institute (Seattle, Washington)


Watchmaking school can vary in terms of time. Average time is about 2-4 years. Watchmaking school will teach you about 60% of the fundamental stuff you'll need as a watchmaker. You'll need another 5-10 years of on the job training for 35% of the stuff watchmaking school doesn't teach you.


The measurement of time began with the invention of sundials in ancient Egypt some time prior to 1500 B.C. However, the time the Egyptians measured was not the same as the time today's clocks measure. For the Egyptians, and indeed for a further three millennia, the basic unit of time was the period of daylight.

This is speculation of course because as people of the western world we really have little base recorded history of those days Centrial Asia would have much more extensive research into this and much more accurate data sets. AKA they recorded history before the egyptions existed and in fact taught them how to farm for example.

There is a reason you hear fairy tales such as the lost city of Alantis. Its because there really was a civilization who went around teaching everyone else things. There often refered to as "Nomads"



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